News«GABN President's Commentary 23-Sep-22 (The Ararat Advocate)
GABN President's Commentary 23-Sep-22 (The Ararat Advocate)
11 October 2022
16 February 2025
4.03 minutes

SINCE the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, you could be forgiven for thinking that nothing else of note was happening around the world, but here in Ararat, our community just keeps moving forward.

The local footy finals are won and done and attention now turns to the AFL Finals this weekend.

With the AFL public holiday now paired with a national day of mourning for the Queen we know that plenty of business owners are now going to be making a decision as to the viability of opening due to the increased cost of two consecutive days of penalty rates.

The timing of the AFL Grand Final holiday in the middle of the Victorian School Holidays has been a difficult situation for business owners since day one, but two public holidays (albeit a once off) will have a significant impact on the bottom line particularly for smaller retail, hospitality and tourism businesses.

So if you are out and about this long weekend, spare a thought for those businesses that are open and servicing locals plus the influx of school holiday visitors to the region. They will be working hard to deliver their usual fabulous service to anyone enjoying an extra long weekend all while covering increased wage costs. And that is if they can find the staff to work in the first place.

A reminder to all businesses that the East Grampians Business Awards Applications close on September 30.

This years theme is ‘Celebrating Innovation and Change’ and we have certainly seen a lot of this over the past couple of years! The application process is a very straight forward form and can be found on the Council websites landing page so be part of the celebrations and start applying today!

For new and expanding businesses, Ararat Rural City Council are again running a Façade Grants program with all details available on the council website at


Friday, October 7: Ararat Young Professionals Friday Night Unwind If you have recently moved to town and opened a business or work locally then join us for an after work catch up at the Barkly Bar Bistro. The event is a casual session with no formality other than providing young professionals an opportunity to connect within our community. Even better, your first drink will be on us. Details on FB at Ararat Young Professionals

If you are considering becoming a member of GABN or would like to know more about our upcoming events please contact us by email 

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