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The Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) Extends Support to Pomonal Fire Affected CommunityARCC Community Grants Program Closing 24-Nov-23GABN Shop Local Gift Card Program ContinuesGABN President's Commentary 9-Feb-24 The Ararat AdvocateArarat and Lake Bolac Visitor Information CentresCam Conboy - President of GAB Network:
Strength in numbers. IT’S AN old saying but one which has served our local business community well.
During the pandemic, the large membership of the Greater Ararat Business Network worked together to ensure we got through a pretty lousy time.
Businesses working with other businesses is good for Ararat. It means we are calling on and utilising the trades and services available in our town, which keeps businesses viable and jobs in our region.
If you are in business, I would strongly urge you to consider membership of the Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) We are a united group with the aim of providing a social and professional network for our members as well as information, advice and mentoring. We hold regular events throughout the year where members can meet up with other business people in a relaxed environment.
Our Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for March 30 and is an opportunity for new people to come along and find out more about GABN. We are also looking to build on our current committee, which requires a couple of hours of your time once a month. More information can be obtained from Phillippa via email pcairns@ararat.vic.gov.au.
For many years there has been plenty of debate over the future of the old Aradale site. It is an incredibly important part of Ararat’s history, but as a community we’ve been unable to come up with a long term plan for Aradale and how it can serve Ararat into the future. Aradale is too important to lose. It is an imposing series of buildings on the doorstep of Ararat. But we need a realistic plan for its future, if for no other reason, to ensure it gets the maintenance it needs now and into the future. Ararat Rural City Council received funding last year to develop a plan for Aradale. They understand its importance and obviously want the best option for the site. I would like our business community to think about what Aradale could be into the future. Some might think it should be developed for housing, others have suggested a high end hotel. There was even a suggestion that it could become some sort of resort.
Developing Aradale would be good for Ararat and good for business. It would create new jobs and opportunities and it would ensure a historically important building is preserved for our future. I would encourage our members and other people from the business community to have a say in the process so we can get the best outcome for the site.