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The Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) Extends Support to Pomonal Fire Affected CommunityARCC Community Grants Program Closing 24-Nov-23GABN Shop Local Gift Card Program ContinuesGABN President's Commentary 9-Feb-24 The Ararat AdvocateArarat and Lake Bolac Visitor Information CentresCam Conboy - President GABN
IT has been another busy month across the business community and there is no doubt there are challenges on the horizon.
Subdued buyer sentiment, increased pressure of cost of living and interest rates, and the start of winter are all putting pressure on our local businesses.
Our local farming businesses have mostly finished sowing, with crops now emerging.
There have been some challenges with areas too wet, pressure from a massive slug buildup last spring and constant pressure of weeds. Most growers are cautiously optimistic, and with reduced pricing of inputs and commodities are watching weather and markets closely.
Valorify - Bioenergy Update
There is also growing confidence in the ambitious plan for a bioenergy plant. Valorify, the Ararat Bioenergy plant , is still pushing ahead with the planning phase. There will be multiple benefits with utilising a crop by product, generating energy and creating a nutrient source in a sustainable way. Greater Ararat Business Network’s popular Business After Dark series again continues to be well supported.
Business After Dark (BAD)
In May, our BAD hosts were Ararat Community Enterprise at the Barkly Bar, Bistro and Accommodation. Ararat Community Enterprise – or ACE – is a fantastic local organisation putting money back into community based projects and initiatives. I would urge our members and the wider community to support ACE by linking their Bendigo Bank and WFI insurance accounts with ACE. It doesn’t cost anything, but each month ACE received a dividend from Bendigo Bank and WFI. Over 12 months it builds into a substantial amount.
Monthly Square Table (Online Zoom call)
Our latest square table (online) caught up with Dr Tim Harrison and Rowly Paterson regarding the public/private Ararat Housing Enterprise to create 40 houses over the next 10-15 years. If I talk to any business, the priority is to find quality staff, followed by somewhere to accommodate them. This is a fantastic opportunity and the flow on effect for local contractors, trades and opportunity to train is massive.
Commerce Ballarat Business Big Day Out
GABN members, as part of the Victorian Regional Chamber Alliance, attend the Commerce Ballarat Business Big Day out. A great array of speakers with topics such as inclusiveness, adapting communications and media strategies for a modern world and inspiration from Need Brockman on his run across Australia. Themed ‘getting comfortable with the uncomfortable’ was apt for business in modern times As always, our theme of network-sharelearn, is valid more than ever.
GABN Membership
If you would like to host a Business After Dark, be in our Square Table discussions, attend the Young Professionals ‘Friday night unwind’ then check out our feeds on Facebook or Insta, or our website. http://gabn.org.au