News«President's Commentary - The Ararat Advocate 30-Jun-23
President's Commentary - The Ararat Advocate 30-Jun-23
Cam Conboy - President GABN
5 July 2023
19 February 2025
4.15 minutes

Cam Conboy - President GABN

THE shortest day of the year has just passed.

We are in the cold depths of winter and spare a thought for our farmers in the paddocks, sloshing around in water. With the prospect of El Nino on the horizon the agriculture industry is watching for dry weather- whilst getting wet feet waiting for it to dry out. Some areas have not got all their crop plantings in, and now face challenges with waterlogging, slugs, and not being able to get out crop protection and nutrition products. Pasture feed is plentiful however and should help lambing and other operations

Despite a number of interest rate increases, our local business sector seems to be going gangbusters. It is good to hear stories from business owners who report they are pushing ahead, but many still face the age old problem of finding enough staff. Staffing has been a big issue in our municipality for some time and I’m please to see new housing developments are starting to take shape which will accommodate new employees into the future. There is no quick and easy fix to the staffing problems we face, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel. As a group. We are always encouraging local businesses to forge ahead and employ new staff.

We hope to attract and retain new talent in our region- whether it be manufacturing, the proposed energy plant, tourism or other services working together to create a better region. Hopefully some of the housing opportunities between the community housing project and the EGHS project will also add to this.

ZOOM Call Update 28-Jun-23 (Square Table)

On Wednesday morning, GABN members were fortunate enough to hear from Superintendent Sharon McCrory, Victoria Police Western Region, presenting her outlook of policing in our region and the development of the local Ararat Safety Committee. This gives Ararat business direct input into policing and issues in our area. Whilst crime is generally low and more opportunistic in our patch- there are plenty of things that can be done- and if you go to the GABN website there is a link to ask for a security assessment for your business.

One of our members and sponsors, Peter McGrath, from Saines Lucas highlighted the importance of networking in the local business community and the interconnectivity of businesses here and the regions. Service facilitation, employment prospects and development opportunities are all gathered by working and sharing with like minded businesses.

I would welcome all local businesses to join us for our monthly Square Table (Zoom session), Business After Dark or Ararat Young Professional Friday unwinds to network, share and learn. Visit or find us on Facebook

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Ararat RSL
Saines Lucas Solicitors
Sponsor #3
Sponsor #4
UBC Digital