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The Greater Ararat Business Network (GABN) Extends Support to Pomonal Fire Affected CommunityARCC Community Grants Program Closing 24-Nov-23GABN Shop Local Gift Card Program ContinuesGABN President's Commentary 9-Feb-24 The Ararat AdvocateArarat and Lake Bolac Visitor Information CentresTHE school holidays are in full swing and it has been great to see so many people in Ararat this week.
The holidays are a big benefit to many of our traders. They bring in countless people on their way to the Grampians and other destinations. Holiday makers also spend dollars in our town – big dollars - and that in turn secures the future of local businesses and local jobs. The school holidays are also an ideal way for our whole community to showcase our region and hopefully encourage some of those passers-by to come back again and spend more time enjoying what we offer.
Congratulations to all the local teams who were successful in the finals, especially Ararat Rats in Wimmera League and Tatyoon Hawks in the Mininera & District League. The two grand final wins were a wonderful effort from the players who have trained hard all year to be their very best. Football is very much a team effort. It isn’t just the players who go and slog it out each week. Behind them are countless volunteers making sure local clubs run smoothly. The flow on effect from what people learn and grow from being on teams, committees and organisations flows onto business and their careers. If we build strong clubs and organisationsthen we are going to have better employees and businesses because of it. Well done to all local teams for your passion and commitment.
BIG Business After Dark Dinner
Greater Ararat Business Network is preparing for our Big BAD (Business After Dark) on the 5th of October and I really encourage business people and members of the public to consider attending. The theme is Adapting to Change and we have secured two outstanding speakers to talk of their life experience. The first is Ararat’s Ellie Cole OAM – Australia’s most medalled Paralympian and the second is Lieutenant Commander David Martinussen who was until recently the commander of HMAS Ararat. Both of these individuals has an inspiring story and will be worth hearing. The evening includes a three course meal prepared by the RSL’s new chefs. The cost is $50 for members and $60 for non members and tickets can be booked through Eventbrite. See more details in the advertisement in today’s Advocate.
GABN Square Table Zoom
We have our GABN Square Table on 27th Sep at 8am via Zoom- where we will have updates from our business and community leaders - but also a short piece from Lieutenant Commander Martinussen as a prelude to the Big BAD. Get on board and find out more about your GABN.
Check our website socials or see one of our committee members to find out more. https://www.gabn.org.au/